Forensic Psychology Degree

Solving the Puzzle: the science behind crime

Examination of crime through science and psychology gives students a deeper understanding of law and legal system.

“The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best.” – Paul Valery

Your 课程s – Forensic Psychology Degree

Through studies of theory and methodology of psychology, curriculum will provide students with comprehensive teaching for a strong overall knowledge in a multifaceted field. Specialized studies and experienced professors will help you find your niche.

Darren Lillard

Preparing for the Future

The variety of ensembles and opportunities on and off campus provided me with valuable performance experience. For 音乐 教育, I worked hands-on inside the classroom and I can honestly say I feel prepared to be a music educator in the future.
Darren Lillard '15, 音乐 Performance and 教育 Double Major, Graduate Student in Saxophone Performance

Active Learning Opportunities

  • 加入 Psi气 荣誉学会
  • 加入 Psych Club and attend lectures and activities geared towards Psychology majors and like-minded students
  • Intern at local agencies that help those in need such as Social Service, 儿童福利, Domestic Violence, and 公共卫生 agencies.
有趣的事实: 最后的 spring break our students traveled over 10,480 miles to complete 4,000 service hours in New Orleans, 纽约, South Carolina, 和更多的.
